
Allen Lowry, AIA, principal

Allen Lowry is a licensed architect in California and is a member of the American Institute of Architects. He has a BA degree from Dartmouth College and a MArch degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a member of civic & neighborhood planning groups in Davis, California. He brings to your project over 30 years of architectural experience in widely varied major and minor projects in the United States; in construction management; and design and construction consulting in the Caribbean. 

In addition to private sector work, Mr. Lowry has has managed over 20 major capital projects for the University of California. These projects ranged from major research, process and teaching laboratories, utility and landscaping projects, to student housing and large dining facilities. Most of these projects involved site selection, site planning, utility coordination, and site safety evaluation & improvements. Several involved seismic analysis and structural retrofit. Many recent projects merited LEED Gold or Platinum ratings.

Mr. Lowry has directed renovation or repurposing of major public buildings in urban settings, in conformance with specific historic codes, in California, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. These projects involved historical and cultural research of contract and/or approval documents to qualify for historic recognition and tax credits; and direct oversight of actual historic restoration work. In most of these cases, Mr Lowry directed design teams, including specialty consultants, on behalf of public and private owners.